Thursday, 30 June 2016

Joining formalities for Tata Consultancy Services

          In this post, I would like to take you through the joining formalities and things that you have to keep in mind before joining TCS. On the day of joining, you will be asked to submit a few essential documents without which they will not be able to confirm your employment, the most important of which being the Service Agreement.
          The list of documents that have to be submitted is available in the Nextstep portal under the Joining Annexure tab. You have to be very careful with the requisite documents or you will end up being rescheduled.
          The most important document as I have already told, is the Service Agreement. The Service Agreement has to be made between you, The Surety and TCS. The surety has to be mandatorily an Income Tax payee. Land Deed will not be accepted though it is said in the Joining Annexure that surety can be a person with land deed. If your surety is not an income tax payee, you have all chances of getting rescheduled. Also, make sure you attach a Xerox copy of Surety's PAN card and Surety Signature Verification Form. If no competent authority is available to attest the surety's signature, you may attach photocopy of surety's passport.
          Another important document is your PAN card. Acknowledgement slip of the PAN card application will not be enough and you have to have your own PAN card at the time of joining. The documents such as Non-criminal affidavit, Medical certificate etc. can be easily obtained and so if there is an error in your documents, they will give you one or two days time to re-submit the documents. Keep in mind that your photograph should be attested by the doctor who gives you the medical fitness certificate. Also, the Non-Criminal Affidavit has to be made on 100 rupee stamp paper.
          About the academic qualifications, you have to carry original mark lists of all semesters and the Degree certificate(Provisional Certificate if Degree Certificate not yet issued). You have to clear all the backlogs and you should have received the updated mark lists at the time of joining, without which you will be re-scheduled. If you have any query regarding these, contact the ILP support at the earliest.
          You also might know about the National Skills Registry(NSR) e-card. You have to carry NSR e-card on your joining date. Make sure you have at least applied for NSR e-card when you join. Similar is the case for Passport. If you don't have one, make sure you have the acknowledgement slip of the Passport application.
          In addition to all these, make sure you have completed your Background Check(BGC) which is mandatory. Once you join TCS, option to edit BGC data will not be possible. You will have no more access to Nextstep portal. If you have entered any data incorrectly, it might result in you getting rescheduled at a later time(like after one month) when the verification is completed by the Head Office in Mumbai.

          The above-said documents are most important and are the ones people usually make a mistake with. Please check the Joining annexure and Joining Formalities in the Nextstep portal for more details and clarity.
          About my experience at TCS, the first few days will be very hectic and you will be asked to fill a number of forms like the I-DAF form, the Intellectual Property Agreement etc. There are chances that you may not have to attend IRA-1 depending on your location. I had to attend IRA-2 which is based on TechLounge. The top-scorers of IRA-2 will be given location of their preference. ILP will mostly constitute of tests, so preparing for TechLounge will definitely give you an upper-hand.

If you have any queries about the joining formalities, feel free to comment on the post.