Sunday, 8 June 2014

Summary of The Best Laid Plans by Sidney Sheldon


1. Leslie Stewart: She learns that for some men, power is the greatest aphrodisiac. First she works in an advertising firm, then married to a large scale business man. She bought many newspapers, Tv channels to take grudge on Oliver Stewart who first promised to marry her but later married daughter of  senator Todd Davis so that he could become governor one day.

2. Oliver Russel: handsome man but seems to have a bit more towards women though he has a wife. He was a lawyer, then Todd Davis helped him become the governor and finally the president of United States.

3. Senator Todd Davis: He is a very rich business man who married  who married his daughter to Oliver when he found out that he had the potential to make it into politics. Todd Davis wanted power and he wanted to take control over Oliver

4. Dana Evans: Reporter who was really into the job in which she had real passion. She helped in turning in the culprit of the murders as most people had suspicions over Oliver, Peter Tager being the real culprit

5. Peter Tager: Initially assistant to Todd Davis and then to Oliver. He had lost an eye and wore an eye patch. He tricked women and gave them liquid ecstasy that helped him to have sex but eventually kill them.

A Quick Summary:

Oliver Russel was a lawyer whom senator Todd Davis  appointed as his attorney. The senator watched him closely as he felt he would make a fine governor and keeping that in mind he wanted to marry his daughter to him. Oliver was much interested in making love with women. Todd's daughter Jan knew this but started talking with Oliver as her father had compelled. Soon they got in love. This was the time when Oliver had sex with Jan's best friend and she came to know about it. Jan left for Paris at once. Furiously Senator Todd Davis stopped funding for Oliver's campaign. But then he met Leslie Stewart. She adored him and soon they fall in love. Their marriage was fixed. Oliver felt he could not become governor anymore. Todd tricked him into marrying his daughter and Leslie waited to take grudge on him. She married a rich man and bought presses, television channels etc. Oliver was elected governor and later and eventually was elected the president of the United States. Oliver's assistant Peter Tager used liquid ecstasy to trick women into bed. Once Oliver had a bottle of liquid ecstasy which Peter had given him. He brought it to Leslie which she refused. Those who took it, died.  There were about six deaths. Press under Leslie Stewart printed against Oliver. She thought Oliver was the real culprit who tricked women into bed. Peter Tager's idea was to frame the President for all this. Finally Dana Evans who was a reporter found out that Peter was behind all this and that the president was innocent. Leslie who wrote false news against the President became a laughing stock to the world. President Oliver did many good things like uniting the Arabs, Israel and Iraq.

Sunday, 1 June 2014


Rajesh Nair, co-founder of Degree Controls Inc and being its single largest shareholder and is presently completing his MS in System Design and Management at MIT initiated a seven week long workshop at Mar Baselios college of Engineering, Trivandrum with an experiment to see if entrepreneurs can be made by giving them proper training and guidance. The workshop kick started on december 7 and ended on January 25th. The initial phase of the workshop included sessions of familiarizing with different hardware components like arduino and micro controllers and also familiarizing with application development on various platforms like android, arduino etc. The next phase was to analyse problems related to healthcare by visiting hospitals and medical centers  and create economic solutions to it.

 The main objective of the workshop was to create entrepreneurial attitude in students so that they see problems as opportunities and try working on them. Meanwhile, several sessions was given to pitch the problem before different personalities and to overcome the initial fear. The workshop included two mini projects and three main projects, the final project being the one that is worth taking to the next level. The participants had to finally make an investor pitch using presentations and many of these projects were invited to startup village, Cochin.
        This was the best workshop in my life till today. Would have been a big miss if I  hadn't attended it. This workshop has changed my attitude very much. Now I see every problems around me as a possibility. 
Best workshop ever!!
thanks to Rajesh Nair, Aditya Pasupuleti, Prashant Patil, Dan Sawada and many more who came long distances and spared their Christmas holidays for us

Home Automation Module Prototype

An economical Infra-Red based home automation module, for wireless control of electrical appliances using a very cheap TV/DVD player remote controller. The prototyped version uses arduino uno as microcontroller, three transistors and relays for switching three 230V/15W bulbs, IR TSOP receiver (1738), old VCR remote controller and some passive components.

Theory of Operation:
The cheapest way to remotely control a device within a visible range is via Infra-Red light. Almost all audio and video equipment can be controlled this way nowadays. Due to this wide spread use the required components are quite cheap, thus making it ideal for to use IR based control for this project.
Infra-Red actually is normal light with a particular colour. We humans can't see this colour because its wave length of 950nm is below the visible spectrum. That's one of the reasons why IR is chosen for remote control purposes, we want to use it but we're not interested in seeing it. Another reason is because IR LEDs are quite easy to make, and therefore can be very cheap.
Unfortunately,  there are many more sources of Infra-Red light. The sun is the brightest source of all, but there are many others, like: light bulbs, candles, central heating system, and even our body radiate Infra-Red light. In fact everything that radiates heat also radiates Infra-Red light. Therefore we have to take some precautions to guarantee that our IR message gets across to the receiver without errors. 
Modulation is the answer to make our signal stand out above the noise. With modulation we make the IR light source blink in a particular frequency. The IR receiver will be tuned to that frequency, so it can ignore everything else. The standard carrier frequency used is 38KHz. IR TSOP 1738 has been tuned to 38 KHz, and can ignore everything else.The method of modulating the signal depends upon the protocol used. Protocol defines the method of encryption, and is made by the remote controller manufacturing companies. Common protocols includes NEC (Japan based, common in India),          RC-5(Europe based, common in India).
This project uses NEC protocol based remote controller, that transmits Pulse Position Modulated signal at a carrier frequency of 38KHz. Different protocols have different decoding algorithms. In serial communication we usually speak of 'marks' (or burst) and 'spaces'. The 'space' is the default signal, which is the off state in the transmitter case. No light is emitted during the 'space' state. During the 'mark' state of the signal the IR light is pulsed on and off at a particular frequency.
At the receiver side a 'space' is represented by a high level of the receiver's output. A 'mark' is then automatically represented by a low level. Please note that the 'marks' and 'spaces' are not the 1-s and 0-s we want to transmit. The real relationship between the 'marks' and 'spaces' and the 1-s and 0-s depends on the protocol that's being used. Protocol consists of several bits, grouped as address bits, command bits, start bit, toggle bit,flag bit etc.Some of the protocols will have more bits specifications where as some may not have.

NEC Protocol:
NEC protocol has the following bit specification:
·         a 9ms leading pulse burst as start bit
·         followed by a 4.5ms space
·         8-bit address ( differentiates different types of appliances of the same company)
·         8-bit inverse of address bits (for verification only)
·         8-bit command (distinguishes between different buttons on the remote controller)
·         8-bit inverse of command bits (for verification only)

The NEC protocol uses pulse distance encoding of the bits. Each pulse is a 560µs long 38kHz carrier burst (about 21 cycles). A logical "1" takes 2.25ms to transmit, while a logical "0" is only half of that, being 1.125ms. The recommended carrier duty-cycle is 1/4 or 1/3. 

The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the NEC protocol. With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first. A message is started by a 9ms AGC burst, which was used to set the gain of the earlier IR receivers. This AGC burst is then followed by a 4.5ms space, which is then followed by the Address and Command. Address and Command are transmitted twice. The second time all bits are inverted and can be used for verification of the received message. The total transmission time is constant because every bit is repeated with its inverted length. If you're not interested in this reliability you can ignore the inverted values, or you can expand the Address and Command to 16 bits each!

A command is transmitted only once, even when the key on the remote control remains pressed. Every 110ms a repeat code is transmitted for as long as the key remains down. This repeat code is simply a 9ms AGC pulse followed by a 2.25ms space and a 560µs burst.

For fast prototyping and decoding the protocol, an arduino based library called IRremote.h developed and open sourced by  Ken Shirriff
The IRremote library records the duration of each (modulated) pulse sent by the remote control. Each key on the remote corresponds to a particular code value, which is converted to a particular sequence of pulses. The library generates a unique value for each button press which is distinguishable from another button press.
It records the duration of successive pulses. If the pulse is shorter than the previous,0 is assigned. If the pulse is the same length, 1 is assigned. If the pulse is longer, 2 is assigned. (upon comparing on-durations with on-durations and off-durations with off-durations.) The result is a sequence of 0's, 1's, and 2's, then hashing these values into a 32-bit hash value.
Though the prototyped version is based upon this library, but has proved not very effective due to many limitations (repeated key press is not processed, platform non independence etc) of the library. To make this project more cost effective, low cost microcontrollers like ATmega8 is being used, and direct C programming is being implemented using standard protocol decoding algorithms and is under way to be completed soon as a very cost effective end product module. The overall production cost of a single module is expected to be less than Rs. 150/- .
Future Prospective:
Encrypted IR communication, resistant to ambient daylight can be utilised for robotic competions like Robocon where there will be instances for communication between manual and automatic bots;
The project idea can also be expanded with GSM based mobile communication for building energy conservation modules.

To read more click the link: home automation module