Monday, 26 December 2011

How long will life exist??

    The earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. But, the thing that matters the most is HOW LONG will life on it thrive?? It is said that planet Earth would last for about 8 billion years or so until the sun becomes a red giant, destroying our planet. It could even be earlier if a body large enough to destroy the earth collides with it. By then, life on earth would be a history "for our souls" to talk about.

    The gradual but unintended changes in our climate due to man's deeds have caused our mother planet to deteriorate, the major cause being global warming and pollution.
    Most of the sun's rays reaching the earth are absorbed by the ozone layer present in the stratosphere but presently, the amount of heat and radiant energy reaching the earth and that reflected by the ozone layer is largely contrasting. This is due to the presence of ozone holes in the earth's stratosphere. Ozone is depleted mainly due to its catalytic destruction by atomic halogens formed due to the dissociation of halo-carbon(C-X) refrigerants like CFCs, Freons and Halons. In the presence of UV light, these halo-carbon molecules dissociate leaving free halogen atoms. These halogen atoms act as a catalyst for ozone depletion. The growth of these ozone holes are more pronounced towards Antarctica. The decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer causes the UV rays to penetrate to the surface causing sunburns, skin cancer, cataracts, reduction in the phytoplankton population in the oceans and damages to plants.
     The Greenhouse Effect also accounts for the increase in the surface temperature. A greenhouse is made of transparent material like plastic or glass.It mainly heats up because the Sun warms the ground inside, which then warms the air in the greenhouse. The air continues to heat because it is confined within the greenhouse, unlike the environment outside the greenhouse where warm air near the surface rises and mixes with cooler air aloft. The earth itself can be considered as a greenhouse. The major greenhouse gases include water vapor(35-70%), carbon dioxide(9-26%), methane(4-9%), ozone(3-7%). A part of the sun rays reaching the earth surface are reflected by the earth surface. These green house gases warm the earth by re-radiating some of the energy back towards the surface.As a result of the increase in temperature round the world, the silicate rock cycle speeds up, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and depositing it as calcium carbonate in the oceans. Thus, plants won’t be able to survive, and everything depending on them dies too.
     The most important source of these harmful gases is from the emissions from industries, motor vehicles, refrigerators etc. The concentrations of CO and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since 1750. These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 800,000 years. The unlimited use of petroleum have caused not only its diminish but also an increase of about 20% of CO over the past twenty years. The excessive cutting of trees have made the natural cycles unstable and they have contributed for about 60% increase in the CO content. The increase in population have caused more industrial production, more felling of trees and hence, larger accumulation of greenhouse gases. So to control these adverse effects to a large extent, we have to change our life style. We have to lessen up the usage of fossil fuels, control the emissions from industries and motor vehicles, support afforestation and important of all, abide to the 3 R's(Reduce, Re-use and Recycle).

     According to the present assessment, life on earth wouldn't survive beyond a period of about half a billion years or so if this continues to be the situation.

Most important of all is to understand that we humans are the ones who make up our destiny. It's time we introspect and make changes to our lifestyle so that our future generations live in peace.

Sunday, 25 December 2011


It's the season of Christmas...Let's welcome Jesus,the king of kings who came into the world to save its people from the final judgement day, with lots and lots of  love and offerings... 


Saturday, 24 December 2011

Yes, the freedom is yours: The TRUTH about EMF

Yes, the freedom is yours: The TRUTH about EMF: W ell, the article isn't about anything new in Physics, what ever I say here is as old as electricity & magnetism is. The question is whether EMF [The Electro Motive Force (emf), is the external work per unit charge to produce an electric potential difference across two open-circuited terminals.] is CONSERVATIVE OR NON CONSERVATIVE ? ......

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Mathematical fallacies...

            It is always a kind of fun to prove something that we already know, is false!!
The proofs for 1=0,2=4 etc.done through simple mathematical calculations have always wondered us. But the point is that, in each of these derivations, there are assumptions and unseen violations of the fundamental rules in mathematics. These are called MATHEMATICAL FALLACIES.
The link below gives much of the common misinterpreted  laws and the formulations made in mathematics

Mathematical fallacy

Friday, 11 November 2011

My college-Mar Baselios College of Engineering, Trivandram

Mar Baselios college of engineering is located in Mar Ivanios VidyaNagar, Nalanchira, Trivandram. The institution is affiliated to the Kerala University, one of the best universities in Kerala. The college proudly stands in the top rankings in it's results and placements. The college is run by the Christian management, chairman of the institution being His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios
Cleemis Catholicos, head of the Malankara Catholic Community.
The college is blessed with an excellent faculty and the management tries it's best to provide quality education and produce excellent results.
What I feel right now is that it would never tend to be a waste coming here because it's worth a "LOT"

our library

at the college entrance

back-view of our college

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Parapsychology : Science or pseudo-Science

It's important to know why some people consider parapsychology as a science and some others as pseudo-science.
Many of the supporters and practitioners insist
that parapsychology is a valid
scientific enterprise. But it seems that those
involved in more mainstream fields
often have little derision
towards it . Parapsychological Association was accepted as an affiliate of the
American Association for the
Advancement of Science in the year 1969.
Despite all this, it is not possible to say that
parapsychology is truly scientific .Most of mainstream science
completely ignores parapsychology.Claims of psychic powers present a
problem for traditional science
because they imply the existence of
powers which are not merely
unknown to science, but which in fact
contradicts the well-established scientific
laws and understandings of how
universe works. This does not mean
that claims of psychic powers are
necessarily false, but rather, their
existence is a priori unlikely.
Parapsychology tend to overthrow some of the well established scientific principles as given below:

1 . Future events cannot affect the
present before they occur.

2 . A person ’s mind cannot affect the
material world without the mediation
of some physical energy or force .

3 . One person cannot know the
content of a second person ’ s mind
except through the observation of
speech or behavior .

4 . A person cannot obtain knowledge
of a distant point in space without
sensory experience of that point or
the transmission of energy .

5 . A person ’s personality and
memories are dependent upon the
existence and proper functioning of
their physical brain .

This creates significant empirical
consequences.We already
have a tremendous amount of
empirical evidence which indicates
that our current understandings are
correct and implies the need for the re-working of the most fundamental laws of physics
and our understandings of matter and

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

What is Parapsychology?

Parapsychology is the study of the
evidence for psychological phenomena ,
such as telepathy , clairvoyance , and
psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by
science. It is a phenomena that appear
to contradict physical laws and suggest
the possibility of causation by mental

Parapsychology investigates the claimed abilities of some individuals to
interact with the environment in ways not yet explained by science.

In popular culture the study of parapsychology is perceived as the study of the existence, causes and conditions of psychic abilities , near-death experiences, out-of-body experience, crisis apparitions , retro-cognitions, reincarnation
memories, regression memories, prophecy , ghosts and life after death .

Parapsychology does
investigate psychic claims.Parapsychological experiments have
included the use of random number
generators to test for evidence of
precognition and psychokinesis with
both human and animal subjects and the Ganzfeld experiments as
test for extrasensory perception.
Speaking strictly, parapsychology would not include the scientific study
of ghost sightings , Tarot or astrology .
Parapsychology research is now conducted
in about 30 different countries round the globe.